Prosper GRECH OSA, An Outline of New Testament Spirituality. Grand Rapids / Cambridge: Eerdmans, pp ix, 140. 2011. $18.00 pbk. ISBN 978-0-8028-6560-1.
Reviewed by Christopher RUPERT S.J., LaStorta Jesuit Residence, 2320 Liverpool Rd., Pickering, ON L1X 1V4.

This book is a gem. As well as outlining New Testament Spirituality, it may also serve as a review of content for someone who has read the New Testament. Grech’s canonical approach, which cuts across both testaments, prevents “regretful misunderstandings of scripture” as he presents the New Testament’s stances on right living. This approach also makes it a useful book for understanding Christian ethics and moral teaching – an area much in need of a grounding in scripture. This Grech provides in spades. As an integrative text for a senior level course in Christian studies it will prove outstanding.

This outline of New Testament Spirituality is brilliantly organized. Gretch first defines spirituality as our response to Christ’s way of loving and shows its indebtedness to the Old Testament. It then moves to Christ’s message as it continues thematically through the Synoptics, Paul, John, Revelation, and Acts. Gretch’s canonical approach allows readers to accept what he says even when they may not agree with some finer points of biblical scholarship such as provenance and dating. One area not touched on is spiritual discernment but it does set out the goals of one's responses to Christ’s teachings fearlessly and succinctly. All in all, this Outline of New Testament Spirituality is a well written, easy to read book on living out Christ’s call. I welcome it to a permanent place on my bookshelf.

TO ORDER BOOKS: - Continuum - Crossroad - Eerdmans Publishing - Liturgical Press - Orbis Books